Wednesday, April 29, 2009

13th Appointment

We had our weekly appointment today. I only gained 2 pounds this week. I'm up to 171. Grand total so far of 47 pounds!
I had my 2nd internal done today and I only dilated 1/2 cm more in 1 week. Total I am 1 cm dilated and -1 station ( which means that Riley has moved herself down lower into my pelvis) Last week she was a -3 station. I am making progress but it is a slow moving train. Our doctor told us that she is on call this weekend and would love to see us in labor & delivery. She told us to go home and have sex to get things moving. She says that semen (which contains prostaglandins) can stimulate contractions. Who knew!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Riley's Room

38 Weeks Picture

Here I am at 38 weeks! Thank god I am almost done with this pregnancy. There is no way I would be able to survive all summer long. I am all swollen from my hands to my feet. Now I know why they say "Barefoot and pregnant" you can't get your feet into your shoes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

12th Appointment

We had another appointment today. My 2nd internal and my baby girl already hates me! I am only dilated ½ cm…that’s right a half cm!!!
Oh and I also have that Strep B thing. No big deal. I just have to take some pills before I can deliver her. Doctor said that it is very common and nothing to worry about.
So I am up to 169 pounds a total so far of 45 pounds gained. Cant wait to start losing the weight.
I did ask my doctor about what I can do to bring on labor and she said nipple simulation and having sex. These 2 things were the only things that she recommends because she knows they bring on contractions. She said no spicy food; that will just bring on heartburn. Also she said sitting on a birthing ball will help open up your cervix and help the baby move down. I am also going to walk around my complex to move things along. At this point anything should help move things along

Our next appt. is on Wednesday April 29th.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

11th Appointment

9 Months Along : Pictures are of 36 weeks 4 days
We had our 36 week appointment today. I had my first internal done along with my GBS test. GBS stands for Group B Streptococcus which if I have it I can pass it onto Riley during birth. It's no big deal if I end up having it they give me antibiotic's before I give birth. Everything is good with Riley.I am still measuring ahead. I'm at 38cm measured. The doctor checked my cervix and I am still NOT dilated at all. I guess Riley still wants to hang out inside for a little while longer. So far I have gained 42 pounds. I thought for sure that I was going to be much heavier today. I have been eating none stop still and with just having Easter I am cramming chocolate down my throat every chance I get.
Our next appointment is next Wednesday April 22nd. I hope that by then I will have dilated a little bit.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

10 Appointment

Yesterday was our 10th doctors appointment and we got an ultrasound done. We were told that our child has a big head!!! She is measuring a week or so ahead of schedule. Right now she is 5 pounds 13 ounces. She is in the 75% range. Doctor said everything is fine. We had her check again to make sure that we are having a girl and it came back 100% girl, so we are relieved. I also was told that shorter women go into labor sooner than 40 weeks. She said that I could go at 37 weeks!! I also was told that once the baby drops (she hasn't dropped yet) that labor is soon to follow. Yikes...this baby could come out as soon as 2 weeks from now but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. I'm thinking that Riley is really enjoying being inside and being carried around. I don't think that she is in any hurry to come on out.
Our next appointment is on April 15th. This is when the doctor will start the internals to see if I am dilated at all.