Wednesday, April 22, 2009

12th Appointment

We had another appointment today. My 2nd internal and my baby girl already hates me! I am only dilated ½ cm…that’s right a half cm!!!
Oh and I also have that Strep B thing. No big deal. I just have to take some pills before I can deliver her. Doctor said that it is very common and nothing to worry about.
So I am up to 169 pounds a total so far of 45 pounds gained. Cant wait to start losing the weight.
I did ask my doctor about what I can do to bring on labor and she said nipple simulation and having sex. These 2 things were the only things that she recommends because she knows they bring on contractions. She said no spicy food; that will just bring on heartburn. Also she said sitting on a birthing ball will help open up your cervix and help the baby move down. I am also going to walk around my complex to move things along. At this point anything should help move things along

Our next appt. is on Wednesday April 29th.

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