Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Riley is 1 years old!!!

May 15, 2010 Riley is 1!!!! Her birthday was on a Saturday. We went shopping for her b-day gifts, went out to dinner with Nana & Papa Hartig then came home and opened her gifts from Adam and I. Then it was cupcake time! I did cupcakes for her actual birthday since the next day was her b-day party and she was getting her very own b-day cake. We sang to her and we had to blow out her candles for her but she really enjoyed it. She ate the cupcake and was a mess.

Riley now eats the same dinner as us. If we are having chicken and veggies she is also having the same. She seems to love it and that is always a great thing. For her breakfast I make her either waffles, pancakes or eggs every morning. She also gets a fruit too. She was supposed to start on D milk but she refuses to drink it. So we changed her over to soy milk and she refuses to drink that too. I am going to be calling the dr here this week to see what our next step with her is. She eats breakfast, lunch, snack and then dinner. She has been taking 2 naps a day at 1 1/2 hours each. She has been going down between 8-9pm and waking between 7:30-8am.

The 1 year check up went well as well could go. She got 3 shots and of course screamed! Her weight has evened out and is at 50% percentile. Her height has evened out too and she is at 25% percentile. Lets face it we knew this child wasn't going to be tall, just look at Adam and me!!

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