Monday, November 16, 2009

25 weeks old (6 months old)

November 6th, 2009 Riley turned 25 weeks old. She has been sitting up on her own more and more. She now takes baths sitting up. Lately she has been falling asleep while playing! It's very cute to see. Riley has two front teeth and she knows how to use them. Watch where you stick your fingers she bites down hard! She has been eating jar food everyday. She seems to like the different tastes of each food. She is still taking 4 bottles a day @ 8oz. each. And she eats jar/cereal food about 3 times a day. Riley has been rolling onto her tummy more now and sticks her legs and arms out like she is skydiving. I'm thinking that she is getting ready to crawl here shortly.

The sleeping schedule has changed a little. She doesn't keep the same sleeping schedule every night. Some nights she goes down early and will sleep through the night and others she will go down around 10pm and maybe get up 1 to 2 times. Her napping is better. I put her in her bed while she is drowsy and she puts herself to sleep. I have been trying to let her cry but it goes from whimpering to full out screaming with tears and i cant stand it so i go in and put the binkie back in her mouth and rock her and she usually falls right to sleep. Hopefully here in the next month she will just go down to sleep all by herself and stay asleep all night long.

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